Saturday, September 26, 2015

connection without memory

Two days after Mom died, my partner of 4 years announced that he had a new lover, had been with her for a month, and had been waiting for the right time to tell me.  My first life-crisis for which I could not call Mom....the anger has not yet eased on that particular ripple-effect...

At work, IB noticed, and continues to notice, that I am struggling.  She is AWARE of me like few are, a reminder that dementia effects memory, but not the ability to understand and connect emotionally. She does not remember that my Mom has died.  SHe does not remember that my partner has betrayed me.  But every morning, she wakes up and asks me how I'm doing, and holds my hand with concern and tenderness...she doesn't know why, but she definitely knows that I am hurting.

My boss seems to think that I am not checking myself enough...that IB worries about me, and I need to get it together.  I disagree.   I am finding that for IB to reach out to me, to wrap me in her arms and hold me like a child are things that she is good at....VERY good at, and it gives her the motherly feeling that she still holds deep in her body's memory.  It gives her a sense of purpose, of balancing, of caring for me just as I care for her...our relationship has become deeper and has found a new dynamic.  We get through the shit of life together, and I love her all the more for it.  At a time when I am so despaerately missing my mother, she has those same qualities and is happy to step into the role.

Perhaps I am not very professional.  I don't know...I'm still so new in this business...but to make deeper connections late in life cannot be a bad thing, can it?  KS has the same effect on me....when I go to visit him, he asks about my life, wanting to know how I am dealing with my heartache...maybe it feels good to talk about something outside of swallowing, toileting, and where he may end up.  Maybe it feels good for him to extend himself to another...isn't that, after all, one way to be "of use" in this world?  It is a constant concern with seniors to not feel needed anymore.  He knows it helps me to see him, to have him hug me...after all, I am missing my Dad as well, and KS is Dad's contemporary in many was the initial link we shared.

We do not grow out of needing parenting.  After our parents are gone, others step in to fill that gap...they step in voluntarily.  I say go for it.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Don't wake up tomorrow, Mom....please go in your sleep.  You're ready.  We're ready.  Just let go....and know that we send you off with love and tenderness.

IB went crashing to the floor just as I was coming in the door this morning.  It was my first ambulance call.  In between the getting up of her and the examining of her by MR, I got a call from Shan to see if I could have one last talk with Mom.  I could hear her making noises to me as I told her over and over that I loved her and thanked her for being such a good and supportive mother all those years.  Just a few minutes after that, KS's daughter texted to say he was being transferred to a bigger hospital...spitting up blood, and getting weaker.  Then back to IB, my lovely Capricorn the Goat.  Back on schedule by 10am, sore and tired.

I spent some time with SN at LMR, walked the familiar woods and sat at  my grandparents' table....good to be quiet and social at once.
Back home, a soaking in the tub, followed by a couple hours in bed with a book...nap...nap...up again, a snack, and soon to bed.  I am learning to find the balance that cargiving requires.

I hope no calls come until morning....slip off tonight, Mom...Milt will meet you half-way...